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Valid for Sitecore 5.3
  Setting Reminders
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Set reminders in Sitecore and you will be notified of anything you wish on a predefined date. Administrators can set reminders not only for themselves but also for other staff members, which is certainly a plus in a busy working environment.  

To set a reminder, go to the Content Editor » Review tab » Schedule chunk (see below).  

/upload/sdn5/end user/site administration/item management sitecore 5.3/setting reminders/reminder1.png

/upload/sdn5/end user/site administration/item management sitecore 5.3/setting reminders/reminder2.png   Select to manage the reminder. When selected, the Reminder button will open the contextual menu for managing (setting and clearing) the reminder. The menu will also display the date and time of the set reminders, if there are any, or otherwise indicate that no reminders have been set (see the screenshot below). 

/upload/sdn5/end user/site administration/item management sitecore 5.3/setting reminders/reminder3.png

/upload/sdn5/end user/site administration/item management sitecore 5.3/setting reminders/set_reminder.png    Select to set a reminder. Once selected, the Set Reminder option will open the Set Reminder wizard which will help you enter a reminder text, choose a reminder date and a set of recipients. Click Next for the wizard to proceed (see the screenshot below).  

/upload/sdn5/end user/site administration/item management sitecore 5.3/setting reminders/reminder4.png

The reminder has been set. To view the reminder details (the date on which the reminder will be sent), select Review tab » Schedule chunk » Reminder (see the screenshot below).

/upload/sdn5/end user/site administration/item management sitecore 5.3/setting reminders/reminder9.png  

/upload/sdn5/end user/site administration/item management sitecore 5.3/setting reminders/clear_reminder.png   Select to clear the reminder. Once selected, the Clear Reminder option will remove the reminder and notify you by opening the notification window (see the screenshot below).

/upload/sdn5/end user/site administration/item management sitecore 5.3/setting reminders/reminder10.png

Click OK to close the window.  The reminder has now been cleared.

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